In Appreciations, you can appreciate your employees by giving them awards for their hard work.

  1. Goto Manager >Appreciations. 
  2. Click on  Description: C:\Users\Froiden\Desktop\documentation of snaphrm\Employees - rinifa.png   
  3. Fill the details by entering the Awards to be given and given to in the details form.
  4. Enter the date in Given on.
  5. In Description Box, describe your employee's award/Appreciations.
  6. Scroll Down and add the prizes which are to be given to the employee.
  7. You can also add pictures taken during the award session of your employee's. Click on Select file on the extreme right.
  8. Click on create and your appreciation will be created.

Note:- When you enter the awards in Awards to be given section. In this section, only those awards are shown which you have entered in the awards section under the Awards section in settings. (Manager>Settings>Awards)