1. Navigate to Manager > Expenses.
  2. Select Claims.
  3. This panel is going to show the expenses added by your employees.
  4. You can also create expenses for yourself and for your employees by clicking on   Description: C:\Users\Froiden\Desktop\documentation of snaphrm\Employees - rinifa.png    .
  5. Click on the title and write the title of your expenses.
  6. Click on Category and select the category of your expenses.
  7. In description box, explain about your expenses.
  8. Scroll Down and  Go to Expense details and Fill the information.
  9. Enter the Amount under Expense Details
  10. Enter the bill date, if you have a bill for that particular expense.
  11. You can also upload the receipt of the particular expense.
  12. Select the payment method and Merchant.
  13. If any of your employees had added the expenses you can reject or approve the particular expenses by clicking on the checkbox. Description: C:\Users\Froiden\Desktop\documentation of snaphrm\Expense Claims - rinifa.png
  14. You can also search, select the date and select the particular category of your expense claim